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How to connect your Blox to a Wifi network

This page descirbes how to configure and connect to a WiFi network

Check the WiFi

Lookup the WiFi interface name

$ nmcli d

As the WiFi is not yet connected to any network, the output shows a disconnected state

eth0     ethernet  connected     Wired connection 1
docker0  bridge    connected     docker0
 wlan0    wifi      disconnected  -- 

Check for available WiFi Networks

$ nmcli d wifi list

The output will be a list of available networks. An check if the desired network is listed in the output.

IN-USE  SSID                    MODE   CHAN  RATE        SIGNAL  BARS  SECURITY
        Some Public Wi-Fi   Infra  13    130 Mbit/s  100     ▂▄▆█  WPA2 802.1X
        A-Home-4E18         Infra  104   540 Mbit/s  100     ▂▄▆█  WPA2
        Another-Home-4E19   Infra  13    130 Mbit/s  74      ▂▄▆_  WPA2

To exit this you can a few times the enter key or by ctrl + c command

Connect to the Wifi Network

Now a connection to the WiFi Network can be established. The SSID will come out of the output of the nmcli d wifi list and you will need to provide the network password.

In the command below, replace

  • your_wifi_network_SSID with the SSID of the preferred network
  • your_wifi_password with the your password
$ sudo nmcli d wifi connect your_wifi_network_SSID password your_wifi_password

The output will indicate that a connection to the Wifi network is established.

Additionally, the status can be checked, by the nmcli d command, used in the first step

$ nmcli d

The output shows the connected state of the WiFi along with the SSID of the network

eth0     ethernet  connected    Wired connection 1
wlan0    wifi      connected    A-Home-4E18 1
docker0  bridge    connected    docker0