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Edge AI platform

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BLOX is an edge AI platform developed to speed up edge AI application rollout. With this platform, AI-BLOX wants to help AI software companies in developing new edge AI applications. By using the BLOX platform, there is no need to do custom hardware development from scratch. The BLOX platform is a flexible hardware platform which has a lot of options to full fill as much applications as possible.

First of all, the BLOX platform support following Jetson modules in the same form factor:

  • Jetson Nano
  • Jetson TX2 NX
  • Jetson Xavier NX

This allows the user to choose the right processor power for his application without changing the system as you see with our competitors. It’s always possible to upgrade or even downgrade the processor power if the application is asking for this.

The second benefit for using the MODULE-X is the flexibility in interfacing and communication. The BLOX has 2 extension slots which allows the user to add extra functionality to the BLOX device. In the next chapter, the extension slots are explained.

The enclosure of the BLOX is an anodised aluminium heat sink. This makes the BLOX very robust and passive cooled ideal for industrial tough environments. Depending on the extension modules used, the BLOX can be delivered in an IP67 sealing which makes the module water and dust proof.

Extension slots

The BLOX has 2 extension slots:

  • Interface BLOX slot
  • Communication BLOX slot

The interface BLOX slot is used to extend the BLOX with extra interface options such as MIPI, GMSL and ethernet. With those interface modules, the BLOX can connect almost every sensor available on the market. The comm module slot is used to add communication options to the BLOX such as Gigabit Ethernet, WiFi and/or LTE.

In the drawing below, you will find the 2 slots. The interface slot has 2 extension connectors, the comm slot has only one extension connector.

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